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All Hallows Woolsery


All Hallows Church is a spacious medieval building, generally in good repair after some major maintenance work on the tower. Little is known of the early history of the church as records were destroyed in a fire at Clovelly Court in 1790.  However, the church as formerly known as Holy Trinity and became All Hallows in the 1920s.  The church was formerly a chapelry of the parish of Hartland and was one of the properties given to support Hartland Abbey at the time of Richard I.  It was given by Hugh Peverell and thereafter served by the Augustinian canons.  It became a parish in its own right about the time of the Reformation. It has a nave and north aisle which has the vestry at the east end.  On the south side there is a transept that forms the Lady Chapel.  The South entrance is Norman as can be seen from the interior. The North Arcade has seven-foot high granite columns, believed to be brought from Lundy, which date from the 16th century.  Some Norman masonry remains in the South Transept which forms the Lady Chapel and houses the original altar.

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Following considerable co-operation over many years an LEP [Local Ecumenical Project] was formed in July 1997 with the village Methodist church. Jointly we have a monthly fellowship home group, a Churchyard committee and maintenance group. All services are joint.

Woolsery is a rural village which has seen considerable expansion over the last 30 years and now has over 1100 parishioners. The population includes many young couples from the area and retired people as well as family groups. Some of the population work in agriculture related trades and tourism. 


Please consider helping us financially by joining the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) to make a regular donation. Full details are in the linked form on the left-hand button below. 

If you would prefer to make a one-off donation, please download, fill in and return a completed Gift Aid form to enable us to claim an extra 25p on every £1.00 at no additional cost to you or us. Thank you.

One-off donations may be made to:


PCC Woolsery


sort code 30 - 90 - 78

a/c no 00230847

Thank you, Linda.

A big thank you to Linda Harding for her dedicated service as the secretary of All Hallows PCC, Woolsery over the past few years. During the last Book Sale, Rev Jane Skinner presented Linda with garden vouchers as a token of appreciation for her time and commitment to the role.


Linda is stepping down, creating an opportunity for someone else to continue the excellent work and become part of a supportive PCC committee. A laptop is ready to be passed on to a willing volunteer who can contribute to the team.


Meetings are held approximately four times a year, along with a couple of joint Woolsery Churches Together meetings. If you are interested in this important position, please reach out to Rev Jane Skinner or Barbara Stevens, the Church Warden. We always welcome new members to the PCC and appreciate any support offered.

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